Daniel J. Winfree Attorney at Law
San Diego, California
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What Is Bankruptcy?


To the electrician this indicates: OVERLOAD

To the banker this indicates: OVERDRAFT

And to you, this indicates: OVERBURDEN

Recognizing this, the Federal Government has created a number of laws that permit you to deal with this problem by:

  • Reorganizing Debt, or
  • Consolidating Debt, or
  • Eliminating Debt, or
  • A Combination of the Above

The Bankruptcy Laws are intended to give you A FRESH START

  • There is no determination that YOU ARE BANKRUPT

The idea is to allow you the opportunity to REGROUP and REVIVE. Bankruptcy laws offer an Option that Conforms with Your Objectives & Needs:

Pay Creditors what you can afford not what they demand-Chapter 13
Dump your debt-Chapter 7
Save your house-Chapter 13
Lots and Lots and Lots of Secured Debt-Chapter 11
Farmer?-Chapter 12
To manage taxes-Chapter 13
To dispose of taxes-Chapter 7
To rewrite secured notes-Chapter 13

These, of course, are simplifications, and certainly not comprehensive. Consult a Professional…It will be worth the money you spend.

Call me NOW for a FREE consultation

The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.

Copyright © 2007 Daniel J. Winfree Attorney at Law. All rights reserved. You may reproduce materials available at this site for your own personal use and for non-commercial distribution. All copies must include this copyright statement.